We sat down with some of our Makeup Artists here at GlamCandy, to get some tips and advice from them that they wish they knew when they were starting out.
“Decant you makeup products into smaller travel size packaging, melt your lipsticks into a palette and put your foundations in test size bottles – trust me your back will thank you”
It makes sense when you think about it, our skincare and makeup products take up A LOT of space as well as being quite heavy. Decanting your makeup kit includes you going through your things and removing them from their original packaging and putting them in travel sized, smaller packaging to make your kit smaller and lighter. By doing this, it also actually brings your products to the surface so you can see what your options are, rather than raiding through 50 lipsticks trying to find that perfect shade!

“Learn your colour wheel, people underestimate how important this is to know as a makeup artist. From colour correcting to blending colours, you will use it all the time”
Your colour wheel is essential for you to work out what colours work with what. For example, say you have a client thats in and they have a pimple that you need to cover. There is the classic tale of “use green colour corrector” as this is supposed to counteract the redness. But what if the pimple isn’t a true blazing red? You have to consider possibly some purple in the mix as well…therefore green isn’t going to work its magic this time.
“Say yes to every opportunity that comes your way if you are free and able to, you never know what it could bring in the future.”
If you are able and fit enough to attend, say yes to as many opportunities that you can! Push yourself out that comfort zone and embrace new challenges, you will learn so much more about the industry and about yourself. Branson once said – “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity, but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!” And we couldn’t agree more on this advice.
“Getting in models and creating looks you really want to create to represent your business is key. It shows off your style and you will get booked more for makeup looks you feel confident doing.”
Show off your style and what makes you stand out as a makeup artist so you attract your ideal clients!
“Practice at every opportunity. On friends, family or whoever will let you near them with makeup! It’s the only way you will improve and it’s better messing up a look on a practice model than on a client.”
PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! In this industry there is always something new to learn. A new style, a new technique, new product to use. Don’t stop learning and keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
“It’s so important to see other makeup artists as friends and colleagues than as your competition. Supporting other artists means they will do the same in return and then we both grow.”
There is enough room at the top for everyone in this industry. You can be the best makeup artist but if you dont support others it can sometimes come back on you. Be kind and helpful to others and we promise you, you will see the benefits. You have one reputation, make sure it leaves a positive impact!
“High end isn’t always better than drugstore. Definitely invest in your kit but price doesn’t always mean quality. Ask for recommendations and trial out some products on yourself.”
Did you know, there are only a few differences between high end makeup and drugstore? And its actually not always the ingredients that are one of the major differences…get some recommendations, trial out products on yourself and dont completely write off the drug store products.