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Bryony Scott HNC Student Experience GlamCandy

Bryony Scott HNC Student Experience

“I’ve gained so much confidence from this course, it’s unreal. From starting this course, I’ve created my own makeup pages on instagram and Facebook, I’m also consistently taking on clients since November 2022. I wish Bryony from 5 months ago could see me now!”

We caught up with HNC student Bryony Scott (@BryScottMUA) to speak about her experience so far with us here at GlamCandy. 

“My experience so far with GlamCandy has been amazing. I’m currently studying my HNC in Fashion Makeup and I’ve been blown away by the course. I’ve had so many opportunities to attend and take part in photoshoots all whilst being supported by my amazing tutors. Believe it or not, t was actually my boyfriend that made me apply!  After a conversation over dinner, I realised I didn’t want to be stuck in an office job my whole life. So I took the plunge and applied with the hope that after the course I could become a freelance MUA.”
Bryony Scott HNC Student Experience GlamCandy
“The highlight of the course so far was my very first photoshoot that took place on the beach. It was the first time I had been in an environment like that and I was so nervous.  But by the end of it I knew that it was the right environment for me. My favourite style to learn was definitely Avant Garde. I love how there are no rules and you can create something thats just completely out there and different from the norm. In 5 years time, I hope to have left my office job and have makeup as my full time job. I’m manifesting that I’ll be working somewhere overseas!”
Bryony Scott HNC Student Experience GlamCandy
Outside of makeup Bryony loves anything to do with travelling and seeing her favourite artists live. So, if she’s not abroad, she’ll be front row. Already lined up for her year is Lewis Capaldi, Noel Gallagher and Wu-Tang Clan, an exceptional line up we’d have to agree! If given he chance, Bryony would absolutely love to do Jamie Genevieve’s makeup. “I adore her, and she’s such an inspiration to me. The way she does her makeup is right up my street and I’d just love a good chit chat with her!”
Bryony Scott HNC Student Experience GlamCandy
“I’ve had so many achievements since starting with GlamCandy. I’ll be doing my third photoshoot with them which I’m super excited about. Outside of college, I’ve worked with a social media influencer on a photoshoot where I was contacted to do the makeup. I’ve also secured a position in a local salon as an MUA and my diary is quickly filling up!”
“My biggest advice got anyone thinking about starting their makeup journey, would be just to go do it! I was so nervous but taking the leap, it’s already changed my life for the better, I wish I done it so much sooner.”
Are you looking to kick-start your career in makeup? 
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