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Christmas Makeup Star Signs GlamCandy

Christmas Makeup Star Signs

London based mystic and astrologer, Inbaal Honigman, has teamed up with GlamCandy academy to show us the makeup each star sign will naturally feel most comfortable in this Christmas.

She explains: “Expressing yourself through makeup is great fun, and the festive season is the best time to go wild! Whether you’re a lover of a subtle wash of colour like air signs or bold with your eyes like water signs, party night is the best time to push things up a gear.

“In the office, we can be ourselves, but we are restricted to more traditional hues and conservative looks. So as Yuletide draws nearer, whip out the pro brushes, long lashes, and pots of glitter.”

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th):

According to the stars, Capricorns are full of determination and are the hardest workers of the zodiac. Take Michelle Obama and Dolly Parton as prime examples of this earth sign.

To showcase your working mentality, opt for an 80’s power makeup look this party season. The trend currently dominates Instagram and TikTok, with artists around the world reviving colourful mascara, metallic eyes, and frosted lips.

Christmas Makeup Star Signs GlamCandy

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th):

Represented by the mystical healer who bestows water, Aquarians are original and unique. Take a look at Harry Styles, for example – he’s not afraid to be seen as an eccentric being and has a creative outlook on life.

This air sign suits a totally fresh-faced approach to beauty and is a champion of the ‘less is more’ trend. Combine these personality traits with pale green and blue hues to represent confidence with your makeup look.


Pisces (February 19th – March 20th):

The imaginative water signs are well known for being the most in touch with their emotions out of all the zodiacs. Pisces are gracious, sympathetic, and will go to great lengths to ensure the happiness of those around them.

Symbolised by two fish swimming in opposite directions, Pisces colour palette is made up of pastel and aquamarine shades. Opt for heavy blue glitter eyes this Christmas to create a strong ocean-like look with a calming effect.


Aries (March 21st – April 19th):

One word. Red. The colour of love for many, but for Aries, it’s a way to be noticed in the crowd for this image-conscious sign.

Bold and beautiful, Aries is a natural-born leader with great confidence and success. Fellow celebrities including Victoria Beckham, Lady Gaga, and Emma Watson each look outstanding in red lipstick. So pair it with a staple white or black dress to allow your makeup to be the centre of attention at the office party.


Taurus (April 20th – May 20th):

With a bull as its celestial spirit animal, the Taurus sign has a mixture of stubborn and intellectual personality traits. Ruled by the planet of love, Venus, this zodiac sign enjoys pleasure and indulgence.

As contouring lovers, expect this earth sign to have subtle creams, soft pinks, coppers, and golds dominating their makeup bag. Naturally, defining your cheeks will help to enhance the shape of your face, and Taureans won’t settle for anything less than perfection!


Christmas Makeup Star Signs GlamCandy

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th):

Aptly symbolised by twins, Gemini is interested in so many things that it almost has to double itself. Playful and curious, this air sign juggles a variety of passions, hobbies, careers, and friendship groups.

Embodied by wit and charisma, Geminis are an expressive zodiac sign, and their makeup looks are often as bold and commanding as they are. So, represent these traits by going for a bright and colourful sunset-inspired eye look or a neon lip.




Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd):

Prone to giving their all, the Cancer sign falls in love very quickly. The emotional homebody of the zodiac, this water sign can teach us how to be our most caring and nurturing selves.

Looking good is also very important to them. So, think cat eyes, glowing skin, pretty pink, and romantic makeup this festive season to enhance your need for passion.


Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd):

Represented by the lion, the Leo radiates energy that is glamorous, courageous, and bold. Everyone around them is drawn to their fire. Fellow lioness Kylie Jenner is a prime example of this sign being a natural-born leader.

Go big with your look and match these personality traits with an equally vibrant colour this season, like yellow, orange, gold, and tangerine.


Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd):

An earth sign historically represented by the goddess of agriculture, Virgos are renowned for beautifying themselves and are perfectionists. They value, appreciate, and prioritise their appearance.

Similar to Taurus, these earth signs suit browns and taupes for the eyes for a more natural look as they aren’t the type to wear heavy makeup.


Christmas Makeup Star Signs GlamCandy

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd):

Those born under the sign of Libra enjoy mingling and socialising with different friendship groups. They’re great listeners, diplomatic, and love beautiful things. Research also shows they’re one of the most flirtatious signs out of all the zodiacs.

To get those heads turning at the office Christmas party, opt for colourful yet subtle shades, but don’t forget to highlight with a flash of white glitter on it all.


Christmas Makeup Star Signs GlamCandy

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st):

With Halloween falling under the Scorpio season, there’s no doubt that this sign suits various gothic colours. Their best shades are the darkest black, crimson, maroon, and oxblood tones.

This water sign loves extremes, challenges, and danger. Be careful when you tangle with a Scorpio, though – their sting is infamous.

Pair these dark colours with the biggest, boldest lashes you’ve ever seen to make your eyes pop!


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21st):

The final fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius has a dynamic blend of passion, curiosity and intensity. Go for bright, amazon green colours or magenta pink this Christmas – or maybe even combine them all at once!

To help balance out these colours, opt for a smooth, matte base with your foundation, and finish the look by adding a bold purple lip.


Christmas Makeup Star Signs GlamCandy

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