
Molly Cowan MUA: Q&A

Name: Molly Cowan

Age: 19

From: Aberdeenshire

Job: Self-Employed MUA

What do you enjoy most about being a self-employed MUA?Molly Cowan MUA: Q&A GlamCandy

It’s amazing doing a job that is something I have a big passion for. It can be tricky, but I’ve made sure I’m always posting on social media to get my name out there. Throughout the first lockdown I transformed our spare bedroom into my dream mini makeup studio! It’s been amazing to finally be back seeing clients and having my own space for them.

What is your favourite & least favourite thing about working with clients?

My favourite thing about working with clients is seeing them so happy with their makeup when they look in the mirror, especially brides! It’s also a big bonus when you get returning clients. My least favourite thing would probably be last minute cancellations or not being able to fit someone in for a booking – I always feel bad!

What do you love about being an MUA?

I love seeing my progression throughout the years both on myself and on clients, it really boosts my confidence if I’m ever feeling down about my work. I also love the support I get on social media from my friends and followers.

What is your favourite look you’ve ever done?

I wouldn’t say creative looks are my go-to as I am more of a classic glam girl. However, when it comes to the Halloween/Christmas season I love getting the face paints out and trying some themed looks! My favourite would have to be my Grinch look from Christmas 2020.

What are your favourite products in your kit & why?

I absolutely love the MAC Strobe Cream to prime with, it was the first primer I used and I’ve never gone back. I also love the Collection concealers, they are super affordable and the coverage is unreal. Lastly, an all-time fave is the Illamasqua Beyond Powder in OMG, I received it in my GlamCandy kit and it’s just perfect for any look!

What are your top 3 products in your own makeup bag?

I would say any of the Doll Beauty bronzers as they are so pigmented and blend amazingly, a bar of the original Pears soap to achieve the most perfect fluffy brow, and lastly the Morphe 3502 Second Nature palette. It’s an old favourite and has amazing neutral shades that are perfect for any occasion.

Do you prefer neutral or colourful makeup & what are your favourite colours to work with?

I would say I prefer doing neutral makeup on clients as I am more confident with it and can really perfect it. However when I have the time to sit down and do a full glam colourful look, I love using greens and golds or a smoked out blue.

Who in the industry inspires you & why?

P.Louise inspires me majorly as she is proof that you can have absolutely no qualifications and still be incredibly successful! Her drive inspired me to create a list of goals at the start of the year that I wish to achieve in 2021 to stay motivated.

Where do you see your business in 10 years?

Either in the makeup department for the film and TV industry or teaching my own class of students at GlamCandy itself! I’ve recently had experience presenting my own masterclass to a group of young girls and I absolutely loved expressing what I love to other people!

What advice do you have for an aspiring MUA?

I would say not to be put off with what other people say, it takes a lot to become a self-employed MUA, start up your own business page and to get yourself out there! Also, don’t give up or worry about a slow start – I am almost 2 years in the business, still telling myself that Rome was not built in a day and that everything will pick up even more if I stick at it!

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