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HND Student Hannah's Experience GlamCandy

HND Student Hannah’s Experience

We caught up with Hannah Toman (@itsallabouttheblush), to speak about her experience so far.

“My experience has been brilliant, I’ve learned so much from the course and the tutors. They’ve really helped me with my confidence to go out and start my own career!”

Hannah has gained experience ranging from working on weddings, to doing the Halloween party for the rugby team this time last year with GlamCandy. She has gained enough experience now that she gets approached for jobs through word of mouth and she also has repeating clients! Hannah enrolled with us as she wanted to learn more about makeup, she has always had an interest in makeup and practiced it on herself. With this passion however, she was never confident enough to do it on others and she wanted to learn from the professionals about all the tricks and techniques on how to apply prosthetics. 

Hannah’s highlight has been meeting everyone, from the students to the tutors – “I love everyone here, I’m gaining connections with people that I maybe would never meet.”

Hannah’s favourite style to learn is the SFX and Prosthetics, and advised – “you either love the prosthetics or hate it, if you get it wrong it’s not like you can just wipe it off and patch it up, you have to start right at the beginning again.”

Before enrolling in the course, she never had a specific goal in mind for the end, she just wanted to be involved in the makeup industry and organically grow and develop. She wanted to naturally find out what route she is most passionate about and take it from there. GlamCandy has enabled her to do exactly this, now she sees herself being hired for her body painting and SFX work.

HND Student Hannah's Experience GlamCandy
Hannah Toman - HND Student

In 5 years time, Hannah would love to be working on a future film or theatre and lecturing. She would also love to teach other aspiring makeup artists the skills she has. Outside of makeup, she loves watching movies:

“I now analyse EVERYTHING and research it, constantly looking at characters makeup and thinking ‘how would I do that.’”

She also enjoys going for food and going long walks, normally she ties the two into themselves. If she could pick one celebrity it would be Cate Blanchett, due to her impeccable face structure and flawless skin. If she was to give aspiring makeup artists any advice it would be “Keep trucking, you’ll have good and bad days but don’t let that put you off. Even the most experienced makeup artists who have been doing it for years still have bad days, so just keep going. You’ll never stop learning in this industry.”

Hannah’s 10 Quick Fire Questions:

  1. What’s your favourite cocktail? Margarita 
  2. What’s something you always travel with? Phone 
  3. What’s your guilty pleasure? Downtown Abbey
  4. Who was your first celebrity crush? Keanu Reeves
  5. What’s one thing people don’t know about you? I used to be a yoga teacher
  6. What trend would you like to disappear forever? 100 layers of stuff, 100 layers of foundation etc
  7. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Flying!
  8. Describe yourself in a hashtag #Clumsy
  9. What’s one thing you still have from your childhood? I still have my charm bracelet
  10. Where would you want to live, beside where you are just now? New York
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